Hair loss treatment for women: are you a candidate for a hair transplant?
If you are a woman suffering from hair loss, you know the
feelings of distress this can cause. One thing is sure: you are not the only
one. 33% of all women experience hair loss sooner or later in their lives, and
up to 66% of post-menopausal women experience thinning hair. Pattern hair loss
in both men and women is call androgenic alopecia. With ladies it starts with
gradual thinning where the hair parts, followed by hair loss that is diffuse,
by and large transmitting from the crown. In advanced female hair loss the hair
can take on an almost “see-through” appearance. However, unlike men, women do
not experience dramatic temple or crown recession, and women rarely become
But definitions and statistics can’t begin to describe your
feelings, and they cannot restore your precious hair. So what can?
As a matter of first importance, you will need to consult a
physician to preclude any fundamental medical issue that might be answerable
for your hair loss. These can include but are not limited to the following:
- Anemia
- Connective Tissue Disease
- Hormonal Imbalances
- Thyroid Disease
- Vitamin Deficiencies
- Gynecological Conditions
- Emotional Stress
- Autoimmune Skin Diseases (scarring alopecia)
Next, you need to preclude other physical causes that might
be causing your going bald, however that are irrelevant to female pattern hair
loss. These include:
Loss of hair because of inflammation of the follicles
Loss due to surgical and aesthetic procedures (such as face
lifts or brow lifts)
Loss because of wearing tight hairstyles , for example,
cornrows that apply a steady draw on the hair; this is called traction alopecia
On the off chance that none of these conditions apply you
are likely experiencing female pattern balding. What's more, a hair transplant
may be exactly what the doctor requested.
Is your donor hair right for a hair transplant?
The absolute most significant viewpoint for candidacy for a hair transplant in female pattern hair loss is the quality of the donor
hair. By "donor hair" I mean the follicles that will be chosen as
healthy and robust enough to be taken from one piece of the head and put into
another, and endure and flourish in the new spot. The specific quality I look
for is low miniaturization—that is, a low percentage (less than 30%) of hairs
must not have less than “normal” hair shaft diameters. On the off chance that
that basis is met, doubtlessly you are a possibility for a hair transplant,
where hair follicles are taken from areas of your head and "planted" in
the zones where diminishing is available.
Sufficient donor hair may likewise be utilized to fix or
change a high hairline, or to deliver harm to the hairline or sideburns from
plastic surgery, or to deliver hair loss because of scars or injury.
Many female hair loss solutions are non-surgical.
Furthermore, there are a number of effective non-surgical
treatments for women, depending on your personal condition and goals. These
include Rogaine for ladies, platelet rich plasma treatment, and laser hair treatment.
Take a look and schedule a consultation for hair fall treatment in Indore.
Not only will you benefit yourself of the most latest technology and
state-of-the-art choices for treating hair loss, you will also find a team of
surgeons, stylists and support staff that is kind, caring, supportive, and
genuinely interested in successfully addressing your unique situation.

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